
Editor's note: This story has been updated with two additional grants awarded in December 2018.

宾州大学公园. -通过创新的新筹资程序, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台在其最重要的战略重点上投资了200万美元, while simultaneously advancing the vital and transformative work of its faculty, 全体教职员工和学生.

12笔种子基金已被授予支持的试点项目 十大网赌靠谱网址平台2016-2020年战略计划 以及它的主题优先级, 包括改变教育, 加强卫生, 管理我们星球的资源, 推动艺术和人文学科的发展, 推动数字创新. 资助的项目范围从收藏, 健康大数据安全与管理; to the global 发展 of energy-efficient buildings; to nurturing employment pathways and expanding sustainable and socially responsible food production in 宾西法尼亚.

教师, staff and students from across the University submitted proposals for consideration, 寻求50美元以下的资助,000 to $250,000. 的 first cohort of funded initiatives received awards totaling approximately $2 million.

“We titled the University-wide strategic plan ‘Our Commitment to 影响’ because implementation of it will engender many positive impacts throughout the Commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚 and beyond,尼克·琼斯说, 执行副校长兼教务长. “We purposely solicited proposals from people throughout Penn State to get a variety of exciting ideas for pilot projects, 反响非常好. This approach set us apart from how many other universities conduct similar efforts and showed how anyone at the University can contribute meaningfully to our pursuit of excellence in teaching, 研究及服务.”

例如, one funded proposal involves providing Penn State leadership and expertise to improve building efficiency on a global scale, which supports the University strategic plan’s priority regarding stewardship of Earth’s resources.

Another approved initiative will help to grow Penn State’s thriving Sustainable Food Systems Program, 哪个侧重于可持续和对社会负责的粮食生产. 的 grant will support expansion of the program to Penn State’s Commonwealth Campuses and add opportunities for engaged scholarship, 包括在校园建立新的学生农场的可能性, 支持教育改革计划的优先事项.

“的 funded projects in this cohort exemplify the spirit and substance of our strategic efforts to keep Penn State at the forefront of innovation as a world-class university,贝蒂·哈伯说, 负责规划和机构研究的副教务长. “的y reflect the University’s strengths in multidisciplinary research and impactful collaboration across units.”

最近通过的措施如下, and more information about the proposals and their authors is available at http://strategicplan.voipgamy.com/funded-initiatives.

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE): 全球 Consortium for High Performance Buildings,并支持管理我们星球的资源.

种植食物, Leaders and Community: Expanding Sustainable Food Systems Learning across Commonwealth Campuses,并支持教育转型.

精确健康研究数字合作实验室, 专注于收藏, 健康大数据安全与管理, 支持推动数字创新.

公共人文倡议, 专注于发展一个持续的, 关于我们时代的基本思想和问题的公开对话, 支持艺术和人文学科的发展.

Digital Innovation through Immersive Technologies: Establishing New Paradigms for Environmental Decision Support, focused on the advancement of technologies ranging from augmented reality to mixed and virtual reality, 支持推动数字创新.

-卫生公平综合数据系统解决方案, focused on accessing and linking health and health care data collected by public agencies at the state level, 推动和指导英联邦的公共政策和投资, 支持增进健康.

— On Campus Ambulatory Intensive Care (AIC) to Improve Health and Wellness of Penn State Employees and Adult Beneficiaries with Chronic Illnesses, 一种注重综合的伙伴关系, intensive health care management supporting overweight or obese employees and adult beneficiaries at high risk for chronic disease, 支持促进健康.

— 能源大学 Partnership to Support the Commonwealth’s Oil and Gas Strategy, 专注于研究, 发展, 副产品的利用率, and educated workforce needs in support of the new Shell 宾西法尼亚 Chemical’s ethane-to-ethylene cracker plant near Penn State Beaver, 以支持管理我们星球的资源. 该倡议将建立十大网赌靠谱网址平台十大网赌靠谱网址平台伊利分校, 的 Behrend College as the central point for the efforts related to the Erie region and statewide for 副产品的利用率 outreach efforts.

-生态与设计, focused on the creation of a Penn State Center for Ecology and Design (E+D), 这将解决在建筑工程中融合生态和设计的需要, 并将学校建设成为E+D创新和教育的领导者, 以支持管理我们星球的资源.

— 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 LaunchBox and Retail Services and Sales Industry Collaborative to Support Employment Pathways, a partnership focused on developing an innovative educational program providing students interested in the retail and sales industry with an integrative, industry-informed, 核心能力课程, 支持教育转型.

Enhancing Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Cancer Research Activity Across Penn State Campuses, 开发 and implement a postdoctoral scholars program for the Penn State Cancer Institute members at University Park, 好时, 及其他大学校园.

大学范围内组织过程的结构化方法 开发, implement and institutionalize a University-wide strategy to improve processes and manage change, 无论是扩张式还是增量式.

战略计划的资金来源多种多样, among them unit investments; University funds, including strategic reallocations; grants; and philanthropy — including support from the University’s Capital Campaign, "打造21世纪卓越的宾州大学."

下一个提交提案的截止日期是1月11日. 31; the second round of funded initiatives will be announced in mid-May. For more information about the strategic plan funding model and seed grant process, 包括提案和提交指南, 时间表和审查过程, 访问 http://strategicplan.voipgamy.com/rfp. Questions about seed grants and other components of the strategic plan implementation process should be sent to (电子邮件保护).